Culture and Psychology

Claudia Acosta

Culture and Psychology

What is this mean?

Cultural psychology is born of the "cognitive revolution" It is believed that culture and mind are inseparable since they are mutually constituted. His study focuses on how cultural traditions and social practices are transforming, expressing, and regulating the human mind. The things we create, breed, form, fabricate, invent or point to can only exist within an intentional world. Cultural psychology is the study of intentional worlds.

In my culture there is something that happens that is very common, I personally do not underestimate my self-esteem but if I could see that lowered self-esteem of people who felt affected.
Unfortunately when I was in school I could see how the teachers treated differently and better the students who were easier to learn.
They always made them stand out in the class, they were the most outstanding and everyone knew, they were the first to choose something, to take turns, in everything. This was something I experienced in every elementary year. Although I did not affect my self-esteem, it was very ugly to see and live it and it gave me a lot of courage.

I would change things by educating teachers. They must understand that we are all different and learn in different ways. We must encourage everyone equally, to go ahead, to overcome, and offer extra help to those who need it most.
The students are not to blame to be as they are, hopefully we could all choose to be intelligent and that we all go great but that is not real life.
Educating teachers is the key and teachers must also be qualified by a superior.

Based on the teaching that I have received in my years of study and now in my career as a teacher I am compiling all this education in my mental files trying to put into practice psychology. I have seen and learned many things, which I did not like or I do not agree I discard it and I will stay with the best to put it into practice.
I want to be a teacher who enjoys teaching and if I enjoy the students they will also be able to enjoy it because my attitude will be good and positive.
Life is not always easy, we always have challenges and adversities but if we look for the good side to things and try to be positive, things will go much better.

During this time I learned that there are many different cultures that vary in one way or another, education, behavior, social life, communication, manners, etc.

To help students in these differences, I think it is best to learn about different cultures, their customs and traditions in order to understand one another. I would love to meet my students and let them get to know each other and give them the opportunity to teach us about their cultures and traditions. By knowing each other we can have more respect, patience and better understand each other and create a good environment.


  1. Hello Claudia:
    I like your post and read you experiences. I agree with you that better educated teachers are the solution to have a classroom with more equality treatment. I think that teachers, who wrongly favored some students over others, haven't even noticed that. It is important to learn all of these things to wake our awareness to avoid such significant mistakes with our students. Thank you.

  2. How do you think you were able to maintain such positive self-esteem?
    I can tell you love teaching and that is so important!

    1. I am a person who always tries to have a positive attitude because that is what will help me to move forward. It is not easy and less when I am going through a very difficult situation, but I try to find something good in the situation even if it is the least.
      With the students my plans are to encourage them even if things have not done well, to help them and to encourage them, to tell them that I know their potential, that I know they can still improve more, that they are intelligent, that they do not compare with each other because we all learn in different ways but that does not limit our intelligence and ability.


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